Senatory Poll
Pier Goodmann
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Again yesterday God gave me the privilege to reach out to the Widows and Elderly in Abonnema.
Knowing how challenging it can be in experiencing press in an event with such multitude of people as it was during the one-week-long celebration of my father’s funeral, I understood that these ones may not have had the feel of the celebration as they may have ought to. You know, it was a celebration that has the right of everyone, and no one ought to be denied of that right. It was a celebration that gave way to saying to the departed, thank you for all the good deeds done us. Why should any be denied of such privilege, no matter how?
It was in this direction I had to reach out to the widows and the elderly. I cannot deny them that right, but have to oblige them that honour in gifting them with Provisions, Food items, Wrappers, and Cash. That through this, they also may have the feel of the celebration and be satisfied that indeed they were part of it all. They are our responsibility, they are the reason God has brought us thus far and well, and it’s our duty to fulfill God’s purpose concerning them, we cannot be tired of such well doing, we can’t.

I, therefore, give God all the Glory for using us to reach out to these ones. Most importantly, the Prayers rendered by them were indeed overwhelming, I was touched and humbled to the marrow, and I say Amen to them all.