Senatory Poll
Pier Goodmann
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Praise the Lord, He said you’ll walk through the waters, it will not overwhelm you…

We were coming from Bayelsa State to Port Harcourt”, but just before we took off, Nims Ogbunge, who is a Pastor said to me “NATCO (National Coordinator) you haven’t prayed. Please let’s pray.” I replied him saying, ‘why didn’t you say this earlier? The Deputy Governor is going.’ He just said “NATCO please let’s pray.” Anyway, the Deputy Governor drives off, and I’m there and Nims held onto the door and said “NATCO we just have to pray.” I said ok, let’s pray quickly; and we just prayed quickly. Thank God for that prayer.

On our way back, Alabo Graham Douglas called me and we spoke on the phone. Alabo was the last person I spoke with, and I dosed off.All of a sudden, I heard a screech grrrrh gbosa!!! I said Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!! Jesus!!!! Then I didn’t hear anything again. I raised my head up; we were going down into the Mbiama River. I couldn’t say anything. You know accidents happen so quickly there’s no time to repent. And I want to say that it’s by Grace, it’s not because at that time I was ready for all of this. The next thing we went into the River. He says, He uses the foolish things to confound the wise. Guess what I did, I held my nostrils, I didn’t know how long I was going to be there in the river, anyway all I can remember was gurn! gurn!! and I passed out.


Anyway, somehow I saw myself get to a place that looked like an arrival point but there were no buildings, and I said ‘Ah! Am I dead? Maybe am dead o!’ and then I saw myself again inside the river, I didn’t know it was a river, I thought it was like a gutter that I was in, and then I started feeling peace. I’m telling you angels are real. I didn’t see them but I felt peace, I felt peace, and all of a sudden something pulled me out into the river and there was light. So I can boldly say, ‘I have seen the light, the light of God, I have seen the light o amen, amen!’

Now, my people say when I fell into that river, after like 15 minutes they didn’t see the bubbles again. The Deputy Governor and all those from Bayelsa came back, and were now trying to locate the car but they didn’t find the car. One of our security people went to the other side of the river and was talking to the boys and they said, “Ah, Those people! Their body go float for night, make we wait for their corpse.” It’s now one hour, everybody’s crying, some people came from Port Harcourt, “Joi is dead and Ah!” I’m telling you, as I am standing right here now the car is under the river.

Somehow for me I saw bundles of snakes, but there was light around me they didn’t come close to me, they all swam. I was still saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. I don’t know if I was talking or if it was my mind, but I was still saying Jesus!!! He said “he that calls on the name of the Lord shall be delivered, he that calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” I still remember saying that. Then I came up the water. They say if you come up two, three times you won’t drown or so, after that you’ll drown. I didn’t know that, but when I came up the water the first time I saw the world, then I was going down again, but that light came under my feet and began to push me up again.

Now these young boys by the river side, said when they saw me, they knew that person has survived, as no one had survived the Mbiama River, but this time the water, the waves were moving and then they jumped in and rescued me. When the boys jumped into the river, I looked at them and said, ‘these boys who are they?’ I thought I was dreaming, then I entered their canoe. See how God handles you… the journey to the shore was like 18 hours, they (the boys) kept saying “madam strong your mind well well! Strong your mind, you no go die!”

Now, I was bleeding from my nose, there was broken limbs, they carried me, they tried to put me in an helicopter, we didn’t find a way into Agip. Nims Ogbunge was calling and said Ah! They said go to Agip the helicopter is waiting; then they said Mutu Simonum is now waiting, he flew to the international airport. Mutu they said he was waiting, he kept calling and calling. I heard them discussing with Mutu Simonum. I heard them say… he was screaming “where is she? Come, we’re at the airport, forget Agip just come.

Jehovah didn’t want me to be on that flight, because we didn’t understand that if you’re distressed you shouldn’t really board a plane. God just took over. Anyway the driver didn’t know the way to the international airport so they said ok, just drive straight to Shell; and to God be the glory here I am today. I just want to say Thank You. That, if He (God) can bring me out from that situation, there’s no situation He can’t bring you from.

So, I just wanna thank God for it, and I want to encourage everyone that it’s only by Grace. It’s by Grace that we’re born again, and for Francesca and I, we’ve been going around testifying; all over Nigeria we’ve gone to testify together. And I want to say that it’s Grace. The testimony here is not because we survived, the testimony is that we are now born again Christians, and Heaven will rejoice because we are born again. Thank you very much.
