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Pier Goodmann
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In an article published by his Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Mr. Emmanuel Uche Woke, Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs was described as a forward looking gentleman that is supremely given to futuristic concerns and a constant drive for solutions to societal problems.
He stated that he is a man that is firmly resistant to petty distractions and looks beyond menial industry when it comes to his vision for the younger generation. On his driving philosophy, Uche said that one of his cardinal political philosophies is that the realization of a better society depends on the level and quality of investment made in the younger generation. That as long as life is transcending, the society must have people equipped enough to fit into the shoes of the great predecessors. He noted that Dumo believes that if leaders leave the successors with weak hands and empty minds, the society will die.
On education, he briefly narrated part of Lulu-Briggs’ stance which is that education curriculum must be reevaluated, rejigged and expanded to include practical, feasible and labour rewarding study in ICT which he describes as the oil of the future.
Concerning man as the purpose of governance, Uche Woke who is the spokesman of Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs wrote that he (Dumo) believes that man is the central focus of politics and governance. He stated that Dumo enjoins Political Players to dignify the political system by paying real attention to the language and needs of the people and refrain from all decisions and acts that demean them.
A more thrilling part of the informative article which evokes the sense of social advancement and civility is the part where he stated thus: “DLB considers the individual’s right to liberty and pursuit of happiness as a moral boundary that must never be violated if those in power must retain their legitimacy. DLB strongly opines that man’s comfort must be made the supreme target of governance.
Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs has a picture of yesterday, embraces the dynamics of today and explores all for the betterment of tomorrow.” he said.
Crystalline Media, an online political news outlet which has been on a profiling mission to discover the best man for the job at the Bricks, had obtained this informative article which spored her to make further findings on the personality of Dumo Lulu-Briggs. Responses from old time friends, members of different political parties, people of the upper, middle and lower classes alike, all vented their opinions about the man Dumo Lulu-Briggs. A prominent member of the PDP from Obio/Akpor LGA of Rivers State, who pleaded anonymity said that Chief Dumo is an industrialist with business links in the USA, UK and all the major African, Asian and Arabian countries.
He described him as a well exposed man with sufficient touch of modernity; a dynamic technocrat with enough experience in growing the economy. “I have followed this man for years and I must say that he is very exposed and has the experience and the capacity to grow the economy. He has big dreams, he has passion for social development, he loves the youths and truly believes that they are the future, he doesn’t segregate, if he did, I won’t get close or gain anything from him as a PDP man. Honestly, my party the PDP will be glad not to have him as a contender because those who have benefited so much from him are scattered around, he enjoys support from all the parties. With Dumo Lulu-Briggs, people will not care about party differences, they will simply follow him. A lot of us had no choice but to betray him the other time, and we are yet to recover from the torture of our consciences. But the forces at play then are different from the realities of today, so, believe me if Dumo enters the race, it’s going to be different” he said.
A lady; an APC stalwart who also pleaded anonymity declared that a Rivers State under the stewardship of Dumo Lulu-Briggs will be the best thing that will happen to women in Rivers State. She recalled the amount of hospitality and goodwill they received from Dumo when they paid him a courtesy call in Port Harcourt. “I won’t forget the day that we met him in Port Harcourt; I have listened to pastors but I can’t remember any of them referring to widows as the wives of God. He called the widows the wives of God and I could imagine the amount of regard he had for the widows. He didn’t hesitate to release some huge sums for the widows. He also took care of the old amongst us; in fact, he was identifying women in various categories and was reaching them according to their needs. He is such a sensitive and selfless man.”
In our quest to further authenticate and balance our findings on Dumo Lulu-Briggs, we sought to meet with a Royal Highness and we were lucky to have the audience of a prominent Ikwerre king who started by giving testimonies of his dear father, High Chief O. B. Lulu-Briggs. “First you need to know that that boy is a good boy today because he listened to his father and followed his footsteps. O. B. Lulu-Briggs is my friend, I can tell you for free that he is a man who derives joy from others happiness. His son is like him. I hear how he goes to old people’s house, orphanage, churches and to the less privileged and gives them financial aid and other material assistance. I hear how he promotes skills acquisition and these things are exactly the acts of his father. So, he is representing his father well. And that has been my wish for my own children; I expect them to represent me well”.
Crystalline Media has done an extensive finding on the profile of Dumo Lulu-Briggs, and it’s okay to say that the Chief meets our expectations for progressive leadership. We shall proceed to making more findings about others and continue to share with the public.
©Crystalline Media 2018