Senatory Poll
Pier Goodmann
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Akuku-Toru is a legendary Local government Area in Rivers State that is sufficiently blessed with great men, heroes and geniuses of all time. It is a political entity seated in the Kalabari Ancient kingdom of Rivers State. AKULGA, as it is popularly known is adorned with viable human and material resources. It has a record of fame that reverberates through the length and breadth of Nigeria. The task of providing accurate numerical statistics of the AKULGA sons and daughters who are making waves in Nigerian politics and have written their names in gold will indeed be huge.

The matchless depth of political consciousness, zeal and participatory spirit in AKULGA are what stands her out in the midst of the 23 LGAs in Rivers State. Indeed, Akulgans are ready; I dare say that the dream of change is truly alive in that great LGA. The cheery faces of the ever vibrant queens of AKULGA affirms the above statement; the agility that is ceaselessly displayed by the spirited sons of AKULGA in all the progressive gatherings in the LGA and the massive turnout of the people, simply tell the story of a local Government that has fully embraced the mantra of change and is determined to be instrumental to the victory at sight.

The day’s meeting began with a soul lifting prayer from the senatorial woman leader Hon. Mrs. Ngoba Karibi whyte; followed by a succinct speech by Hon. Tubotamuno Dabiri, Chairman of AKULGA APC who in his speech of consolidation, declared that Dumo Lulu-Briggs is a blessing to the AKULGA APC; one that is relentless in taking care of the party in AKULGA. He further stated with much emphasis that Amaechi is the Supreme leader of the party as he echoed the famous maxim, “Amaechi leads” and the response was, “AKULGA follows.” “Our time to take over is now and we shall take over come 2019”, he said.

Statement from Christian Don Pedro Party leader, reads: “With this marmot crowd, we are going to take over Rivers State come 2019. Politics is not a do or die affair, Akulgans from all political divides must shun political violence and thuggery. Be rest assured that threats to life in the name of politics will not be condoned in 2019. Reach out to the people and encourage them to come out. Our Hon. Minister, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, Cannot satisfy everyone in terms of empowerment but if we take over the brick house, economic opportunities shall be provided for people to put their individual talents and skills to use.”

Chief Hon. Samuel Georgewill Theodore stated thus: “that APC is taking over in 2019 is not in doubt. All that remains is our collective efforts and determination to continue in the spirit of oneness and love. God has ordained Dumo Lulu-Briggs; we are very proud of this illustrious son of Rivers State. The party will continue to go forward and not backwards.”

Hon. Onari Brown, former leader of Akuku-Toru APC, had the following to say: “I am grateful to you my fellow party faithfuls in AKULGA, you stood by me all through my reign as the leader of the party, I thank you. I give my total support to the new leader. United we stand and divided we fall. We must encourage those things that unite us and not those that divide us. APC will succeed in 2019.”

In what can be termed a firm and profound declaration, Prof. Chief. Owunari Georgewill, stated that APC is in charge of the federal government, hence Rivers State must be APC.”

The meeting wounded up with an inspiring and wisdom filled speech by Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs. He said:
“We are going to mobilize the Akuku-Toru spirit behind the All Progressives Congress. It makes me happy to see that AKULGA APC is united and forward looking. I am proud of AKULGA leaders for the display of maturity and understanding. We must know that 2019 is very defining; institutions in Rivers State are collapsing, but APC is determined to redeem all. We are going to align the state with the center. We are no longer going to play opposition politics. With the capacity we have shown, we are going to walk right into the government house with ease. Your APC card is as important as your PVC. Inside the APC, your registration card is very important and in the federation; for your electoral value and for the exercise of your franchise, your PVC is very important. For those who are yet to have the two cards, go now and register. We want a Rivers State that will work for everyone. We shall make sure our children go to school. We have no greater responsibility, than to educate the next generation. No more guns! It is time for government to recognize your efforts, and APC is willing to provide the avenue. Therefore, go home, spread the good news, let the people know that the day of reckoning has come. We must all sign up for APC and help her bring back the glory of Rivers State.

The mantra remains:
One God – God Almighty
One state – Rivers State
One party – APC and
One leader – The Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi.”

“We have one leader in the All Progressives Congress, Rivers State chapter and indeed, the south south. We are satisfied with the leadership of Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi. Let me state with all sincerity that he is a compassionate friend, he is a good man and a courageous leader. And he is a great blessing to the APC; one that will lead us to the promised land.

“Amaechi leads! The people responded in affirmation; “We follow”.

Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs concluded by making cash donations to each of the wards in the LGA to help with the workings of the party.

13th November 2017